Here at XPEDITE®, we’re continually searching for incredible people to fill the role of public record researchers. The capacity to accurately perform the research is a critical skill, and we invest a great deal of energy preparing our staff on the ins and outs of research. Be that as it may, to be a genuinely great researcher, we recognize other necessary traits and incorporate these into our training and continuous development programs.
Besides the capacity to perform proper research, qualities of genuinely great researchers include the following:
They comprehend our role in the CRA’s supply chain.
They recognize they are doing more than just providing data and do their best to ensure the research covers the extent of what the CRA is looking for, which is timely and accurate information. Great researchers recognize that individuals’ jobs are at stake, and critical decisions are being made, to some degree, because of the information that stems from their efforts.
They understand how the court system works.
A great researcher understands the nuances of the court systems. While they probably won’t be an expert in every one of the more than 3,000 jurisdictions nationwide, they comprehend the nuances that exist. They understand that the availability of online information shifts from court to court, and sometimes a friendly attitude can have a significant effect on a court clerk whose patience is running thin.
They recognize how we help protect our customers.
CRAs and end-users are confronted with unprecedented levels of compliance and accountability when it comes to background screening. While we aren’t on the front lines of responsibility, great researchers don’t cut corners. They take the same level of consideration to follow prescribed policies and procedures ensuring the research they deliver is of the highest caliber. They comprehend the nature of their work can help protect the entire supply chain, the CRA, the end-user, and consumers alike.
Here at XPEDITE®, we strive to build the best group of researchers in the industry. These primary traits are some of the numerous characteristics we search for and make into our training and professional advancement programs.
Contact us today to see why XPEDITE® is your best choice for wholesale criminal research.